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Level is determined based on activity and league standing.

Anybody that regularly visits Op UGL on USWest can level up. Players can earn up to 50 additional interim levels by signing up and gaining points on the SCW ladder. When a new season begins, levels gained from the previous season will reset, but your base level will remain.

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-]K[L-ZeuZ: worst game i played man
-]K[L-ZeuZ: shit was horrible
Blaze[gK]: what hus doing
-]K[L-ZeuZ: it was JoSe too
-]K[L-ZeuZ: day
-]K[L-ZeuZ: play?
day.: vs
-]K[L-ZeuZ: omni rage i think
-]K[L-ZeuZ: gus selling is peak sc lmao
Omn1[gK]: omni rage
Omn1[gK]: describes how i be feelin
-]K[L-ZeuZ: lol
day.: kinda tired
Blaze[gK]: omni blaze
Blaze[gK]: tho
-]K[L-ZeuZ: oh yeah
islanti: hrmmm
Omn1[gK]: lmsoooo
Blaze[gK]: :P
Omn1[gK]: omni blaze rn
-]K[L-ZeuZ: gus has given me the most heartbreaking losses
Blaze[gK]: im not rage tonight
Blaze[gK]: im blaze
-]K[L-ZeuZ: 100% victory games end up being losses
Blaze[gK]: lol
Omn1[gK]: i hopped on feeling good
Omn1[gK]: confident
Omn1[gK]: gosu
-]K[L-ZeuZ: oh man
Omn1[gK]: after those games im defeated
-]K[L-ZeuZ: he'll ruin your week
Omn1[gK]: lol
Blaze[gK]: lol
Blaze[gK]: smoke 1 n lets play
Blaze[gK]: i gotta sober up tomorrow for a while
- Op UGL (14)
35 users @ 16:00 PDT

There are 1618 players in database (accounts expire if not seen for 90 days)

224 unique visitors in past 24 hours

920 unique visitors in past 30 days

10 new players discovered in past 24 hours

329 new players discovered in past 30 days

694 players that have been known for over 90 days

227 players that have been known for over a year

LevelNameTitleLast seen
1054Rage[gK] (WarriorAngel)usGrandmasterToday
998Resoud (FaINeR)crGuardianToday
853GeeK]nG- (ThanosKnows)usGuardian3 days ago
803SaDiStiC)DiaBlO (SuperMago)peGuardian2024-Jul-19
799ViperClass (Zhin)roGuardianYesterday
797GanGstEr]D.U.P. (FaINeR)crGuardianToday
795ELpatrondelbien (Emperador)peGuardianToday
782LeGenD]EviL (EviL)peGuardianToday
779RoKiN. (Fliperrson)mxGuardian2 days ago
769L-Mx]SaIchn26 (SAICHN262000)mxGuardianToday
723[CKU]-Xzander (Xzander)peGuardianToday
649Zenakus (Lobo)peGuardian3 days ago
644zneeL- (Tonydrugs)peGuardianYesterday
629L-Mx]LaMota (LaMota)mxGuardianToday
607DyS- (DyS)usGuardian2024-Jul-11
597L-Mx]aLeX (aLeX)mxGuardian5 days ago
595SoFa_KinG_MoNeY (HolyCit)usGuardian2024-Jul-11
520GhOsT]~Diaura~ (Rusbel)peGuardianToday
520SaDiStiC)Andrea (JCC)peGuardian3 days ago
515NeO.eLeGaNtE (eLeGaNtE)peGuardian2024-Jul-16
497ZoDi]a[K-SgTaRy (MazoLuminoso)peLegendYesterday
480ArmaBlanca (ArmaBlanca)peLegend2 days ago
448J4ger]Meister (paul)peLegend2024-Jul-01
438Lectura (Stevenrandom)peLegendToday
430TealSilverSteal (Dano)dkLegendToday
426GanGstEr]Rand0M (Stevenrandom)peLegendYesterday
425pGf]LyCaN- (edgardovsky)mxLegend6 days ago
411day. (alex92)caLegendToday
390GanGstEr]SeBa- (Sebastian123)clLegend2 days ago
387JoesCastyCasts (SneakySquid)usLegend2 days ago
386L-Mx]LeLOuCh[G] (ItzGonZaLoxX)peLegendYesterday
386pCf]larata (microtour)mxLegend2 days ago
385ReDoN.Sc (Nicko)clLegend6 days ago
384_LoKiTo_ (Anonimus)peLegend6 days ago
383LgX[ScOoTtMx5s (scottmx5S)peLegendToday
382SaDiStiC)Warrio (Remast)peLegendToday
379WhiteW (WhiteWolf)peLegend3 days ago
376pGf]Tremoz- (Tremoz)peLegendToday
369Mot0r (Engine)mxLegendToday
366bayagster (bayagster)phLegend4 days ago
355[CKU]-Nitopopo (NitoLetal)coLegendToday
355-FaRaOn- (xxoklajomaxx)peLegend3 days ago
351L-Mx].StyM- (arqedwinluc)peLegendToday
341PuNiSheR- (IkaRo)peVeteranToday
337L-Mx]MiMeTiC (MiMeTiC)mxVeteranToday
331pGf]SuperWilcha (llllllllllll)peVeteranToday
331ADAM-SANDLER (paul)peVeteran2024-Jul-06
326SaDiStiC)MyTh (ElReciclador)peVeteranToday
320ViP.SolTeRo (HuaSCaran)peVeteran2024-Jul-04
319Monkey[D]Luffy (xXxseiyaxXx)peVeteranYesterday
317StukovCL (Stukov)clVeteran2 days ago
310~YoKo~ (Droguita)peVeteranYesterday
309Mack1339 (EnanoFurtivo)mxVeteranToday
308GanGs]Gismo (GISMOPELAYUS)peVeteranToday
300LeGenD]HyDrA (HyDrA)usVeteranToday
294LgX[Escanor. (MickyAngel)peVeteran2024-Jul-14
291GanGstEr]Ryu- (JWCM)peVeteran2024-Jul-05
287pGf][A]Gavilan (lestad0011)mxVeteran2 days ago
284L-Mx]P4blo7 (P4blo7)peVeteran2024-Jul-10
276TheFantas (TheFantas)peVeteranYesterday
274-DaVid- (Hydra)peVeteranToday
274reeKo[gK] (NDERBY)usVeteran3 days ago
257]Barber (timador)peVeteran2024-Jul-19
255GhOsT]Brembo (Autr)coVeteranToday
251danihell (rAn)itVeteranToday

Last updated: 2024-Jul-26 20:55 PDT®
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